In 2013, iambassador blogger, Claudia Beatriz Saleh of the Aprendiz de Vijante blog, visited Emilia Romagna as part of the Blogville project, a collaboration between iambassador and the Emilia Romagna Tourism Board. While in Bologna, Claudia attended a cooking course at Le Sfogline. In 2015, Monica, the owner of the cooking school, expressed her gratitude for all the coverage provided by the visiting bloggers and had a special thank you for Claudia:

In this video, Monica tells us how this post from Claudia resulted in many requests from Brazilians to attend her cooking courses. The response was so great that Monica had to expand her school!

This is one of many examples of how travel bloggers can positively impact local businesses and generate a real return on investment for tourism boards, brands and other sponsors.