In early-2021, we completed our participation in TraCEs Cultour is Capital, a two-year project of the European Union to showcase transformative travel experiences in former European Capitals of Culture in seven countries. Funded by the European Commission, under the COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises and SME) programme, TraCEs laid the foundations of a cultural and sustainable tourism model in European Capitals of Culture, that showcases their heritage, creative and cultural industries and lifestyles. Earlier this year, we were thrilled to learn that our partnership with TraCEs was selected by Interreg Europe as good practice to inspire policymakers in Europe.
This week, the project received another important recognition: the European Commission selected TraCEs, Cultour is Capital, as one of 20 best practices in the use of European Union funding for culture and creativity projects. As a premium partner in the project, we’re proud of this achievement and would like to thank our partners and content creators for this groundbreaking collaboration. Our partners include Materahub, Inmedia, Destination Makers, Creative Industry Kosice, Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka, Stadt Gelsenkirchen and Veuremon.

Game of TraCEs
The most important output of this project was the web platform Game of TraCEs, the starting point of an unprecedented approach to map creative and cultural operators in the European Capitals of Culture ecosystem.
“The Game of TraCEs aims to present different transformative experiences in the European Capitals of Culture (ECoCs) that are part of the TraCEs project. It allows users to discover the cultural offer of the most famous and lesser-known ECoCs run by the creative industries and the people such as citizens and local tourism providers”, explains Nicholas Montemaggi, Chief Marketing Officer at iambassador.